I hope all of you and your loved ones are not too adversely affected by Covid. Over here at photobook.ai, we are all working from home at least through the end of 2021. I am thankful that our team in all 8 locations have been untouched by Covid. In fact, we have been super productive at working on over 20 white label photobook apps for customers all over the world.
It’s not about the first release version.
There is no one-size fits all approach.
plan 3 iterations ahead.
- Predictable and speedy customization of new white label apps;
- Support future innovations and AI models;
- Make daily e-commerce operations and maintenance simple and agile for our customers.
current state-of-the-art
Our white-label photobook app code-base was re-jigged to be faster, more responsive, and lighter than ever. We totally re-wrote some pillars so that they are cross-platform and hence cheaper to innovate, test, release and maintain. This includes not just the sexy core AI and Computer Vision parts, but also utilitarian stuff like shopping carts, back-end rendering of PDFs, handling of layouts and bleeds across all platforms and products etc. Even how users register and login, shop, save and review projects, and pay.
Photo Gifts
Product Management System
- Photos can now be uploaded reliably in the background whilst moving through check-out flow;
- Users can sign in with all the usual social auth methods (Facebook, Google, WeChat …);
- More digital-wallet support like ApplePay & GooglePay;
- Support for “click-n-collect”; something retailers require and reduces shipping costs for users.
Brand new Photo picker
Powered By AI, loved By Humans
After the book is built by AI, users can review the selection that AI made, and easily add/discard any photo to override the choices that AI has made, then rebuild the book in one click. AI will still be used to group photos to pages, and to make sure faces and core subjects (like dogs, houses, bridges) are not cropped.
This is a frequently requested feature, but we waited this long to release it as such a feature also requires a brand new photo-picking UX which has to behave slightly differently and yet be harmonized across all photo sources for books and single photo products. We are glad we took the time to craft it with love.
With V3, we also dis-intermediated the printer’s e-commerce and ERP back-end with the client app by inserting our own middleware, which radically lowers initial investments in customization costs and more importantly ongoing maintenance.
More on this in a later post.
photo picker white label photo book app

V3 Roadmap:
Increasing Conversions, Repeat Orders, And Growing Average Cart Value.
Layflat Books: we resisted offering layflat books for a long time as we believed a premium product like this requires some special considerations. So we wrote a new layout algorithm specifically designed for layflat books. This will be slowly introduced into V3 white labels slated for release in Q3/Q4 of this year (2021).

Multi-recipient Cart-flow: this allows users to send a photobook to themselves in London and grandma locked-down in Australia. Or personalized mugs to the entire staff in a single check-out. (useful for working from home and maintaining corporate culture)
Guest-checkout: a tiny little feature that’s sought after in some markets with users who are loath to create a new account on a new app.
Intelligent Messaging Platform: allows us to message users about new products, covers and even new Stories that we have collected for them. So now advertising and notifications are baked into the app.
Products: we will soon also introduce greeting cards and multi-photo-single-surface products. This means we can make more complex products like Instagram posters, Collage Magnets etc.
Friend get Friend + Affiliate structure: viral features like FGF and commissions are baked into the app and back-end to support all kinds of recommendation and promotional campaigns.
V3 is here and ready to white label. Our first V3 customer went live last week in the UK with over 400 photo stores nationwide. Next up: Sweden, India, Germany, Japan and Canada.
If you want apps before the 2021 peak season, you need to commit before Summer. We are frantically hiring and growing, but for now, our order books are almost full for the year.
Better yet, schedule a call with us here or email hello@photobook.ai